10:34 PM -
Posted by Ruth Fernandez -
We can't resist the veritable that nowadays,many women had lost their virginity due to dearth about curiosity of socialization,not being closely guided by the parents or some problems regarding to financial.
Losing or disgracing once virginity can destroy or a lose of honor and dignity and value or the meaning of being a women.How does the lose of virginity happen,?How does it exist? and How can we resist? Those questions oftenly mentioned by those curios about this thing.
But the most question prevailed to asked is that which regard to VIRGINITY and money.In fact , some of the students use their virginity to earn a certain amount that can be used to pay their debt,tuition's and other personal belongings. On the other hand, I when speaks my virginity I always think that it could be harder to lose it.In this connection,virginity should be prepared to the person whom you love.However,virginity is a lot more than an intact hymen.The bible clearly condemns sex prior to marriage.
Losing or disgracing once virginity can destroy or a lose of honor and dignity and value or the meaning of being a women.How does the lose of virginity happen,?How does it exist? and How can we resist? Those questions oftenly mentioned by those curios about this thing.
But the most question prevailed to asked is that which regard to VIRGINITY and money.In fact , some of the students use their virginity to earn a certain amount that can be used to pay their debt,tuition's and other personal belongings. On the other hand, I when speaks my virginity I always think that it could be harder to lose it.In this connection,virginity should be prepared to the person whom you love.However,virginity is a lot more than an intact hymen.The bible clearly condemns sex prior to marriage.
11:54 PM -
Posted by Ruth Fernandez -
Transformer has made long-distance transmission of electric power a practical reality, as AC voltage can be “stepped up” and current “stepped down” for reduced wire resistance power losses along power lines connecting generating stations with loads. At either end (both the generator and at the loads), voltage levels are reduced by transformers for safer operation and less expensive equipment.
11:51 PM -
Posted by Ruth Fernandez -
The property of self-inductance is a particular form of electromagnetic induction. Self inductance is defined as the induction of a voltage in a current-carrying wire when the current in the wire itself is changing. In the case of self-inductance, the magnetic field created by a changing current in the circuit itself induces a voltage in the same circuit. Therefore, the voltage is self-induced.
11:27 PM -
Posted by Ruth Fernandez -
Numerous studies have for years that there is a significant correlation between tomato consumption and decreased cancer-risk.Thanks to Lycopene.Lycopene is responsible for the red color in many foods,particularly tomatoes,papaya,guava and watermelon.It is a cartonenoid( a broad of class of substances containing yellow red pigments and precursor of Vitamin.A) And a strong antioxidants (fights free radicals linked aging and diseases) Also lycopene may enhance expression of the RB gene,a typical anti-cancer gene.Tomato-based products are certainly part of our diet:many salads,pizzas,sauces and even ketchup are rich in tomatoes.Tomatoes are also significant sources of Vitamin C another important anti-oxidant with promising features of its own.Research will continue but it is likely clear that Lycopene plays a role in Health.
Numerous studies have for years that there is a significant correlation between tomato consumption and decreased cancer-risk.Thanks to Lycopene.Lycopene is responsible for the red color in many foods,particularly tomatoes,papaya,guava and watermelon.It is a cartonenoid( a broad of class of substances containing yellow red pigments and precursor of Vitamin.A) And a strong antioxidants (fights free radicals linked aging and diseases) Also lycopene may enhance expression of the RB gene,a typical anti-cancer gene.Tomato-based products are certainly part of our diet:many salads,pizzas,sauces and even ketchup are rich in tomatoes.Tomatoes are also significant sources of Vitamin C another important anti-oxidant with promising features of its own.Research will continue but it is likely clear that Lycopene plays a role in Health.
11:17 PM -
Posted by Ruth Fernandez -
There is no substantial evidence that having sex during pregnancy can cause any direct damage to an unborn baby or to a woman's uterus.According to master's health experts from the John Hopkins Medical Institutions.This is the especially true for women who are healthy and are having a healthy pregnancy.
But if there are any problems with your health or with the pregnancy itself,depending on the circumstances present your obstetrician may need to counsel you regarding sexual intercourse.Sometimes women may find sex more uncomfortable during pregnant,that they did beforehand,but this is not very common.Some chemical found in sperm may cause the uterus to contract,but the correlation between this and having miscarriage and preterm labor needs to be far their studied.
But if there are any problems with your health or with the pregnancy itself,depending on the circumstances present your obstetrician may need to counsel you regarding sexual intercourse.Sometimes women may find sex more uncomfortable during pregnant,that they did beforehand,but this is not very common.Some chemical found in sperm may cause the uterus to contract,but the correlation between this and having miscarriage and preterm labor needs to be far their studied.
2:01 AM -
Posted by Ruth Fernandez -
Time is running very fast these days.few days from now,we will be marching in the aisles together with our proud parents.We will be leaving the portals of our Alma matter which cradled us throughout our high school years.
Graduation is something every studernt is looking forward to.However,life does not stop there.It is just the beginning of another milestone,the college life.It simply welcomes us to the world of young professionals.
Choosing the best career of profession should give us satisfaction and happiness.We tend to find the best profession so that we can have great chance to find a good job.For practical reasons,Filipino chooses to go abroad and experience greener pastures.It sounds ironic but its the reality.We cannot do anything but to say goodbye sincerely but dream t of coming back.They say goodbye is a sad word but that what we say to friends when our parents send us text message on our phone telling us to go home or else they would lock the gate and we would struggle to climb the fences just to get in.We can't do anything but move on.We leave things behind or people leave us behind but just the sign of progress of growing up.
Lastly,we all thank the people who taught us good things and occasions which showed us realization that life is an infinite words of goodbye, and moving on..If there is goodbye,,there is always a big hello..Hello to a new beginning.
Graduation is something every studernt is looking forward to.However,life does not stop there.It is just the beginning of another milestone,the college life.It simply welcomes us to the world of young professionals.
Choosing the best career of profession should give us satisfaction and happiness.We tend to find the best profession so that we can have great chance to find a good job.For practical reasons,Filipino chooses to go abroad and experience greener pastures.It sounds ironic but its the reality.We cannot do anything but to say goodbye sincerely but dream t of coming back.They say goodbye is a sad word but that what we say to friends when our parents send us text message on our phone telling us to go home or else they would lock the gate and we would struggle to climb the fences just to get in.We can't do anything but move on.We leave things behind or people leave us behind but just the sign of progress of growing up.
Lastly,we all thank the people who taught us good things and occasions which showed us realization that life is an infinite words of goodbye, and moving on..If there is goodbye,,there is always a big hello..Hello to a new beginning.
10:31 PM -
Posted by Ruth Fernandez -

Thump!Thump!Thump! goes the beating of your heart.
The human heart is always associated with love.However,the role of the human heart was a mystery during the olden times,because of its beatings and since the inside of the human body was not explore yet,then some though that its oradle of the soul.And even during modern times when scientist question the belief that our heart controls our emotions,many are still believe that our heart compels us to feel different emotions like Love,hate,Anger and many,many more.
10:27 PM -
Posted by Ruth Fernandez -
Youth is not entirely a time of life-it is a state of mind.t wholly ba matter of ripe cheeks,red lips or supple kness.It is a temper of the will,a quantity of the imagination,a vigor of the emotions, a fresshness of the deep springs of life.It means a temperal predominance of cuoradge over timidity of an appetite for adventures over love ease.