There is no substantial evidence that having sex during pregnancy can cause any direct damage to an unborn baby or to a woman's uterus.According to master's health experts from the John Hopkins Medical Institutions.This is the especially true for women who are healthy and are having a healthy pregnancy.
But if there are any problems with your health or with the pregnancy itself,depending on the circumstances present your obstetrician may need to counsel you regarding sexual intercourse.Sometimes women may find sex more uncomfortable during pregnant,that they did beforehand,but this is not very common.Some chemical found in sperm may cause the uterus to contract,but the correlation between this and having miscarriage and preterm labor needs to be far their studied.
But if there are any problems with your health or with the pregnancy itself,depending on the circumstances present your obstetrician may need to counsel you regarding sexual intercourse.Sometimes women may find sex more uncomfortable during pregnant,that they did beforehand,but this is not very common.Some chemical found in sperm may cause the uterus to contract,but the correlation between this and having miscarriage and preterm labor needs to be far their studied.