What are the things you do at home or work to trash waste at school or home?

* We have a big problem,regarding to our Mother Earth.Ans As a student,The things I can Do at home or work to trash waste at school or home are: We people produces a mountains of garbage every singl;e day.We produce them in our Homes,schools,restaurant,factories and many other places.Everyday these waste are transferred to other place for disposals.But dump-sites all over the world are starting to fill up,and the world has not enough to space to cope with all the garbage.As A student, I have my own principle on how to trash my waste,first,I recycled those recyclable garbages and I select those garbage that can be used again and again. This way the production of garbages that will be thrown away can be minimized.
.As what I have said earlier that I have my own principle on how to trash my waste,that those refillable materials  instead of disposable products.many products today can be easily thrown away after use.But products like these only add to the worlds garbage.Instead of throwing it we must use our creativeness,garbages like old clothes,tires and pots is still have many uses.And also separate those wet garbage from dry garbage,the wet  form of  garbage like food waste can be used as fertilizers in the form of the compost fit..And those reusable and returnable materials,like bottles,cans and plastics if we use our knowledge we can earn money.So!all of these can help to lessen the waste that we produce to home,school or even to our country.

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