Everybody have something to say about love. Be it cynical, meaningful, sad, cute or funny. the list goes on. Some quotes may inspire and strengthen your belief about love while other quotes can be treated as cute jokes that reflect the unpleasant parts of love. Either way, the fact this section exist already goes to show love is all around us
What is Identity? "Identity" is the individuals characteristics by which a thing or person is recognized or known. Who am I? Everyone of us have our own identities and characteristics and personalities,just like me, I have also my own identities that different to others. By the way this is Ruth Fernandez,16 years of age still residing at Barrio Pica's, Lupon Davao Oriental.And still studying at Lupon Vocational High School.I was born on September 9, 1993 at Sudlon, San Isidro Davao Oriental.And I was born and grow in a Christian Family and in God's teachings.I am simple God fearing,hardworking and a cheerful person.I am very fun of listening music,texting,reading Bible,reading magazines,comics,and storybooks like fairy tales.I love watching horror and funny movies.I love also drawing and playing mp5 games,I am very active in attending youth Camp in our church.I am a kind of person who have ambitions in life I want to be successful in life,to finish my studies,to reach my goals and ambitions in life.To help my parents to get from poverty and have a better work someday.To achieve the things I really wanted to have.But I can't do this without the help of God. I value all the things that I have, My Family,Friends,studies,teachers and most especially God in my heart.I didn't dream of having such things that not so important that sometimes bring us into mess life.Wanna know why I choose family,friends,Education,teachers and GOD?The reason is,Family is the one who are always in my back to support all my needs.Friends is always there for you to talk when you are totally falling down.Education,this is the only Living Legacy that my parents have given to me.Teachers its because through them,I learned a lot of things. And God because without God's help and guidance we cant do nothing at all!
Most of us dread examination.Even long before the examination we are apprehensive about the coverages of the test and we get worried over the types of questions that will be asked.We wonder as we ask ourselves "Have I studied what they will ask are they going to ask what I left or glossed over in my review? During the examination itself when we finally lay our eyes on the questions,our tension increases..Some of us suffer mental block out and in the process forget even the little that we know,and after the test is over,our tension still lingers on.It does not leave us.As we ask ourselves,"Did I make the grade or did I flunk the test?It is only when the papers have been corrected and finally returned that we can breathe a sigh of really that the ordeal is over at last!
God says in Revelation 22:12,Behold I am coming quickly.But the coming of the son will be like lightning that can be seen from east to west.Where there is corpse,there will always buzzards.After those days of suffering,there sun will become dark,and the moon will no longer shine,the stars will fall,and the powers in the sky will be shaken,there will be big earthquakes,huge buildings will certainly torn down,no one stone will be left in place. Now let us learn and observe this video that picture out the end of the world. It is very much likely to happen when the son of man appears. SO BE ALERT!!
It's scary world.At school,on television,and the next door,we see people struggling with drug and alcohol addictions,Aids and terminal diseases.But God doesn't want your life to be hopeless.He want to give you a life of hope and joy. Drugs,alcohol,and cigarette's are throat to his joy.It may seem like the cool thing to do,but being cool has a price tag.Drugs and alcohol can cause brain damage,smoking leads to lung cancer,and they are both addictive.They take hold of your life until you can't say "NO"anymore. Maybe one of these addictions already has control over your life.The good news is that God is more powerful.He has the strength to help us break free from the prison of addiction.Just like Jesus was more powerful that the demons that he cast out.
I'm in love ." Lets make love." There is a lot of talk about love. We use the word in different ways.But what is Love really? There is no power greater than love.Phycologists say that the most basic human need is to be loved Love can motivate people to do things for people that they wouldn't normally do.Love can cause young people to do foolish things at times.Love gives meaning to people who would otherwise have no purpose in life. But if love is such a beautiful thing,why is there so little love in the world?Why is there so much hate? The answer is simple .True love is more than sentimental,gushy feelings.It is a choice that each of us makes.And true love can only come from GOD. The greatest demonstration of love is to give our life for the person we love.What loving father wouldn't give his life so that his child might live?God love to mankind so much that he sent his Jesus,His only begotten son,to die on the cross for out sins so that we might have live. Love is very essence of God.So when men and women rebel against up their own value system and rejecting the authority of God,they lose the very source of true love which is God.Without love even our religious activities become a lot of meaningless exercises.
What career should I choose? Who will I marry? Where will I live? What Happens when I die? I'll get around to it tomorrow.I'll worry about the later.The future's out of my hands.I'm going to to get out of my life.What I can today because I may not be able to tomorrow. This is the way most people think today.Scientists warn of the dangers facing our world.Yet we sti9ll pollute and endanger our ecosystem.Physicians warn results of smoking to our bodies and people still smoke.why is this? Because people want instant gratification and do not often think of the consequences of their actions for the future. Everyone likes to think about the future.Astrology and its horoscopes are popular with lots of people around the world.But the best way to prepare for the future is to live each day so that later in life there won't have to be regrets .It is not just the major decisions and choices in our lives that affect our future.Often it is a whole series of small choices that We make daily that will determine what our future will be like. Of course,there are many things will take place in our future that we cannot control.Circumstances play a major role.However ,if we focus on the things We can control, such as our attitude,the friends we choose,studying and working to the best of our ability and potential ,we can help guide the course of our future. Perhaps the one thing that mankind has not been able to control about the future is his or her time of death.Nevertheless,by trusting our GOD ,one can be assured of His care and control over his/her future. If we follow Christ and his teachings there is a promise that He made to His early followers that is still true for us.I am with you always to the very end of age.
I have so many things that I learned about the Islam Religion,such as the Key Components of Islam such as the Ramadan and Hajj.During the Ramadan, Muslims refrain from eating, drinking, smoking, and indulging in anything that is in excess or ill-natured; from dawn until sunset.The month of Ramadan is within 28-30 days.Ramadan is a time for Muslims to fast for the sake of God's mercy.Ramadan is a time to confess their sins.It is the only way for them to ask forgiveness to their Allah for all their sins that they have committed in their daily lives. For them it is very much important because their year will not be complete if they can't celebrate their Ramadan. And it is celebrated in a 9th month of the year. All Muslims went through fasting because they believe that fasting is a great sacrifice which can help them in asking forgiveness by Allah.And the ramadan is celebrated in the ninth month of the year within 28-30 days.And the Hajj is a pilgrimage in Mecca.. The Hajj is a demonstration of the solidarity of the Muslim people, and their submission to God (Allah The pilgrimage occurs from the 7th to 13th day of Dhu al-Hijjah, the 12th month of the Islamic calendar. Because the Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar.The Hajj is associated with the life of Islamic prophet Muhammad from the 7th century, but the ritual of pilgrimage to Mecca is considered by Muslims to stretch back thousands of years to the time of Ibrahim (Abraham).For me,Muslims are very religious because they sacrifice themselves through fasting.
Five Pillars of Faith and Major Religious Events of Islam are:
(1) The recital Shadaha that there is only one GOD.To bear witness that there is no entity worthy of worship except Allah(God) alone, and that Muhammad (pbuh) was His messenger. This establishes obedience to God Almighty alone. (2)Muhammad as his Prohet. To perform five prescribed prayers to God every day according to a specific prescribed method and at specific prescribed times. This continually reminds us to bear God in mind in all actions, either before or after any given prayer. (3) Praying five times a day. To pay two and a half percent of ones wealth to charity every year if their savings exceed a certain minimum level which is considered above the poverty level. (This is the basic concept, the actual calculation is a little more complex). (4) Giving alms to the poor.To fast the month of Ramadhan (from the Islamic Lunar calendar) every year from sun rise until sunset. This involves not eating, drinking, or having marital relations, from sun rise until sun set. (5)Pilgrimage in Mecca. To perform a pilgrimage to Makkah (in the Arabian Peninsula) once in a Muslim's lifetime if it is financially possible and their health permits. During this period, Muslims come from all over the world to join together for six days in a prescribed set of acts of worship. All Muslim men are mandated to wear the same garment which was designed to be very plain, simple, and cheap to obtain.
Major religious Events:
1.Ramadan-That the Muslims spend a month in daytime for fasting,during the ninth month of the the Islamic calendar which is called Ramadan. 2.Laylat-Quad'r-towards the end of Ramadan.That Muslims observe the "Night Power"in which it is in the first verse of the Qur'an were revealed to Muhammad. 3.Eid-Fitr-At the end of Ramadan.The Muslims celebrate the "Festival of Fast Breaking". 4.Hajj-each year during the 12th month of the Islamic Calendar.Muslims make an annual Pilgrimage to Mecca,Saudi called Hajj. 5.Day Of Arafat-During one day of Hajj pilgrims gather at the plain of Arafat to seek GOD's Mercy.and then the Muslims fast for one day. 6.Eid al Adha - At the end of the annual pilgrimage, Muslims celebrate "The Festival of Sacrifice."
1.*Ramadan- It is the Islamic month of fasting, in which participating Muslims refrain from eating, drinking, smoking, and indulging in anything that is in excess or ill-natured; from dawn until sunset.The month of Ramadan is within 28-30 days.Fasting is meant to teach the Muslim patience, modesty and spirituality. Ramadan is a time for Muslims to fast for the sake of God (Arabic: الله) and to offer more prayer than usual. During Ramadan, Muslims ask forgiveness for past sins, pray for guidance and help in refraining from everyday evils, and try to purify themselves through self-restraint and good deeds. As compared to the solar calendar, the dates of Ramadan vary, moving forward about ten days each year as it is a moving holiday depending on the moon. Ramadan was the month in which the first verses of the Qur'an were said to be revealed to the Islamic Prophet Muhammad.
2.*Hajj-is a pilgrimage in Mecca. It is currently the largest annual pilgrimage in the world,and is the fifth pillar of Islam, a religious duty that must be carried out at least once in their lifetime by every able-bodied Muslim who can afford to do so. The Hajj is a demonstration of the solidarity of the Muslim people, and their submission to God (Allah in the Arabic language).The pilgrimage occurs from the 7th to 13th day of Dhu al-Hijjah, the 12th month of the Islamic calendar. Because the Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar, eleven days shorter than the Gregorian calendar used in the Western world, the Gregorian date of the Hajj changes from year to year. In 2007, the Hajj was from December 17–21; in 2008 from December 6–10, and in 2009 it was from November 25–29. Ihram is the name given to the special state in which Muslims live whilst on the pilgrimage,The Hajj is associated with the life of Islamic prophet Muhammad from the 7th century, but the ritual of pilgrimage to Mecca is considered by Muslims to stretch back thousands of years to the time of Ibrahim (Abraham). Pilgrims join processions of hundreds of thousands of people, who simultaneously converge on Mecca for the week of the Hajj, and perform a series of rituals: Each person walks counter-clockwise seven times about the Ka'bah, the cube-shaped building which acts as the Muslim direction of prayer, kisses the Black Stone in the corner of the Kaaba, runs back and forth between the hills of Al-Safa and Al-Marwah, drinks from the Zamzam Well, goes to the plains of Mount Arafat to stand in vigil, and throws stones in a ritual Stoning of the Devil. The pilgrims then shave their heads, perform a ritual of animal sacrifice, and celebrate the four day global festival of Eid al-Adha.
What leads Us in future? Are We ready?? The Bible says in Revelation 13:6-18 that all both small and Great,both rich and poor,both free and slave to be marked on their right hand or forehead,so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the marked,for it is the number of a man,and his number is 666!
Fast heartbeats,feeling pale,and nervous is just our reactions when watching horror movies.We seek companions to lessen and be confident upon watching!
Believe it or not? Doings of a human that is unsual and seldom to be seen or maybe proven. But let us learn and observe this video that is done through consentration to make us believe and be curious!
Good news for carrot lovers out there!Yes, eating carrots do help improve eyesight.Carrots have carotene, which is converted by the body to vitamin A.Vitamin A is essential for the production of visual purple. A photo chemical substance, of a purplish red color contained in the retina of human eye and in the eyes of most animals that is quickly bleached by light, passing through the colors, red, orange and yellow and then disappearing. Visual purple helps a person see in the dark. Without vitamin A a person could develop night blindness or poor vision at night or in dim light.
Today, one of the girls in our town had an abortion, she claimed it is the only way out since her boyfriend is in no position to marry her and she dares not to imagine what her parents will do to her if they find out about her condition, what with the shame she could cause the family. I tried to talk her of the abortion that she pointed out that only children who are wanted and can assured of a descent life. Should be born that way they will be appreciated, cares for and loved and whats more, they won't have to suffer deprivation . When I told her that abortion was just like murder. She got angry with me and said "how can be when the child has yet to be born?because abortion or the removal of the fetus with the intention of terminating pregnancy is illegal in our country. Therefore, abortion is a crime in the eyes of man and in the sight of God, the source of all life and has the right to take it back. The fetus has been gifted with the spark of life and has the right to be born, to grow and to earn for himself.
All soul's day is a time for when all Christians reflect on death and dying.And remember those who have gone to the Great Beyond.a brother,sister,parent or a love one.In the philippines all soul's day is celebrated with so much likely and fanfare.People going to cemetery bringing some foods,candles and drinks.Its like pista ng mga Patay.Only the dead are not around to celebrate it.Its the living who prepare some foods and drink to much while listening the very l0ud audio and stereo.In this set-up it seems all soul's day was lost. Of course,the day to remind us that we are mortals.that are our home is not here on earth but in heaven.That t our lives are not our own:that we are just being loaned our life.,sooner or later We'll return to our Heavenly Father by way of Death and dying death after all,is but a manifestation of our love of GoD. Death comes like a thief in the night well never know when our time is up.Accidents may happen some die young,some die peacefully some die in a brutal way.Whatever matter death is one reality of life we must learn to accept. But what dying really like?? I witnessed the death on my uncle a couple of years ago.He was my favorite Uncle because he is generous and caring.We had a lot of conversation about anything is under the sun.We had some fun and enjoyed each other until he was stricken with cancer of his lungs.His last days was gentle and serene and was resigned to her fate. I was on her side when He lay dying.The actual moment of death is almost drifted away He closed his eyes ta the moment of death thete is a sign He died peacefully in GODS own good time
Its 5 0'clock in the morning ,a time for me to wake up .Instead of cooking foods for the breakfast I used to play on my mp5 game. Without thinking that there are so many things to be prepared .It's already 6:05 and on that day I'll going to submit the project study that was assigned for me,and to be reported at 9:00 am. I'd rush my time, and run to the bathroom,takes a five minutes bath,combs hair for three strokes,dress up,and skip for breakfast. and runs out to be on time at the school. I arrive 10 minutes late,but its alright I told to myself.Just hand on my report. I open my briefcase searches and suddenly looks up the ceiling with the expression of desperation on my face.I forgot the to bring the report ,because I was in big hurry. Sometimes we hurry up so much that we forget the most important things.We don't know how to spend out time to prepared of what to bring for.Because we are focusing our habits that makes out time waste.We are lack of discipline in the following schedule repairing for the damage that cause by our forgetfulness.
Air pollution is the Contamination of the air by harmful substances. If not properly addressed, it could lead to health problems and it could also damaged our environment. Harmful gasses from various industries ( Burning of fossil fuel like coal, natural gas, and gasoline). Are among the major factors responsible for air pollution. Other causes include vehicle emissions gas from burned garbage and the cutting down of trees to make way for villages and roads. However, not all factor should be blamed on humans. Dust storms in desert areas, as well as smoked cause by forest and gas fires also contribute to air pollution has been proven to be harmful to us. It can be blur our vision, make us dizzy and make breathing difficult. In addition air pollutants have been linked to lung cancer and heart ailments. And aside from harming us pollutions caused also the thinning of the atmosphere protective ozone layer which is leading to climate change.
Are drugs good or bad?Drugs when excessive in use are dangerous.People say that anything prohibited arouses our interest especially the youth who are lured by agents who use different methods to reach them. Drug users are not only young.Some are very young,in their pre-teens.They maybe students or out of school youths.Some are poor,others belong to rich and prominent families. Why do these people become users? Some begin out of curiosity. Others need attention. This persons may came from a broken or very busy family. This poor souls seek love and attention from their peers. They want to forget their problems but the problems are not solved but worsen. At first the pushers give the victims the cheap kind of drugs that affordable. Later on the users themselves wants stronger ones which cost more. Where will the poor youth get money? They use any by means like stealing, robbery, and more serious ones to satisfy their needs. Without thinking that their brains already damaged by dangerous drugs.
The end of the thumb accidentally sliced of can be replaced and will heal satisfactorily if it is seek the attention of a doktor soon after the accident.
Mrs. Andrew the teacher in English required the students of IV-Burgos to promote each specialization of Lupon Vocational High School.,according to their skills and abilities. Were so lucky that were enrolled in this Technical Vocational School because this school offers different kind of specialization such as,Computer Technology,Culinary Arts(Foods),Garments,Automotive and Woodworking.All of these are required and recommended by many industries and establishments. Nowadays, many students are taking this kind of specialization to enhanced their ability and intellectual capacities in terms of their trainings and practices. And we have also our NCII examination for these said specialization, if you pass these examination you have the opportunity to go abroad even you are just a High School Graduate.
"God made all things on earth." So he made evil as well. Therefore god is evil. If you believe this let me open up your mind. Do you believe that there is coldness, darkness? In physics coldness doesnt exist, it is only the absence of heat. Same with darkness for it is the absence of light. Therefore, there is evil in the absence of faith to GOD.
Doing pretty ornaments make me buzy. I love making and doing designs with my own ideas.Just to make me happy of what the result of what I've done.And I'm very happy if there's someone who appreciate my works co'z it gives me more courage to make another Ornaments. You wanna try?? Here are some ideas to decorate your ornaments.add your ideas. Cut pieces of another ring for mouth and eyes. put them on the top of the glue to make happy face. Cut colored rings and bread wrapper,fastener into small bits.sprinkle them on the glue. Poke a hole in the dried glue ta the top and put some yarn or ribbon through it. Now your ornament is ready to hang on a tree or tie on a present.Surprise people you love with pretty gifts that you made just for them.
I did not want to leave my Municipality in Sudlon San Isidro Davao Oriental where I was born since it is the cradle of my cultural development. But circumstances forced me to leave and transfer to this province of Lupon. It has been 5 years ago since I left my municipality but my memories are still very fresh. And I always remember the sad experiences which kicked me off to this place. I decided to transfer because there were many rebels appeared and operate to our Municipality. To avoid further tension or any possible danger,I decided to leave the Municipality. And I will never regret this resettlement for I am now living among the most peaceful province today!
Hello BLoggers!!
Take a look my web log.This is Ruth Fernandez, simple and GOD fearing person.And still studying at Lupon Vocational High School under Mrs.Elfleda C. Dionio.