Today, one of the girls in our town had an abortion, she claimed it is the only way out since her boyfriend is in no position to marry her and she dares not to imagine what her parents will do to her if they find out about her condition, what with the shame she could cause the family.
I tried to talk her of the abortion that she pointed out that only children who are wanted and can assured of a descent life. Should be born that way they will be appreciated, cares for and loved and whats more, they won't have to suffer deprivation . When I told her that abortion was just like murder. She got angry with me and said "how can be when the child has yet to be born?because abortion or the removal of the fetus with the intention of terminating pregnancy is illegal in our country. Therefore, abortion is a crime in the eyes of man and in the sight of God, the source of all life and has the right to take it back. The fetus has been gifted with the spark of life and has the right to be born, to grow and to earn for himself.