I'm in love ."
Lets make love."
There is a lot of talk about love. We use the word in different ways.But what is Love really?
There is no power greater than love.Phycologists say that the most basic human need is to be loved Love can motivate people to do things for people that they wouldn't normally do.Love can cause young people to do foolish things at times.Love gives meaning to people who would otherwise have no purpose in life.
But if love is such a beautiful thing,why is there so little love in the world?Why is there so much hate? The answer is simple .True love is more than sentimental,gushy feelings.It is a choice that each of us makes.And true love can only come from GOD.
The greatest demonstration of love is to give our life for the person we love.What loving father wouldn't give his life so that his child might live?God love to mankind so much that he sent his Jesus,His only begotten son,to die on the cross for out sins so that we might have live.
Love is very essence of God.So when men and women rebel against up their own value system and rejecting the authority of God,they lose the very source of true love which is God.Without love even our religious activities become a lot of meaningless exercises.